Our Library
Books at the AIDS Resource Library are available to residents within our 10-county service area. Click here to view the books in our library. You do not need a library card. Simply complete the form below to request a book.

Pick Up
You may check out a maximum of 2 books at one time if you are picking up the books. Most books are available for pick up within 3 business days. You will receive a notification via email or phone when your books are ready. Books may be picked up and dropped off between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday at either office. The loan period begins on the date the books are picked up.
If you do not live near one of our offices, a book may be mailed directly to you. Only 1 book may be checked out if it is being sent by mail. The loan period begins on the date the book is postmarked. A self-addressed stamped envelope will be included with the book. Return the book by dropping it off at the post office using the self-addressed stamped envelope. Books returned by mail must be postmarked on or before the due date.
Loan Period
Library books have a loan period of 3 weeks and may not be renewed.
Upon your request, we will send you an email reminder 2 days before the due date of your loan. If your book is overdue, we will send one further reminder.
There is a flat fee of $5 per book for overdue books. Borrowing privileges will be suspended if overdue books are not returned and fines are not paid.
There is a flat fee of $5 for lost or damaged books.