Connect to Care
Connect to care helps our clients with HIV find the resources they need to manage their medical care. The ultimate goal of the program is to connect (or re-connect) clients with a doctor or program that matches their needs. It is our goal to connect newly diagnosed clients to an infectious disease specialist within one week of testing positive. If you are living with HIV but are not currently receiving medical care, we can assist you in accessing healthcare services. Getting connected to proper care and starting HIV antiretroviral therapy (ART) means staying healthier, living longer, and reducing the chances of transmitting HIV to other people.
Everything we do is free of charge, and maintaining your confidentiality is of utmost importance to us.
By signing up for this program, you are eligible for the following:
- Medical case management services
- Emotional support
- Support groups
- Incentives for attending medical appointments
We will connect you to:
- Sources of medical insurance
- Transportation
- Mental health counseling
- Drug and alcohol counseling
- Doctors
- Dentists
- Other social service agencies